get file list of files contained in a zip file get file list of files contained in a zip file python python

get file list of files contained in a zip file

What you need is ZipFile.namelist() that will give you a list of all the contents of the archive, you can then do a'filename_you_discover') to get the contents of that file.

import zipfile# zip file handler  zip = zipfile.ZipFile('')# list available files in the containerprint (zip.namelist())# extract a specific file from the zip containerf ="file_inside_zip.txt")# save the extraced file content = = open('file_inside_zip.extracted.txt', 'wb')f.write(content)f.close()

import zipfilezip=zipfile.ZipFile('')'my_txt_file.txt')

You can see the documentation here. In particular, the namelist() method will give you the names of the zip file members.