getting sheet names from openpyxl getting sheet names from openpyxl python python

getting sheet names from openpyxl

Use the sheetnames property:


Returns the list of the names of worksheets in this workbook.

Names are returned in the worksheets order.

Type: list of strings

print (wb.sheetnames)

You can also get worksheet objects from wb.worksheets:

ws = wb.worksheets[0]

python 3.xfor get sheet name you must use attribute


return by list

for i in g_sheet:    print(i)

**shoose any name **


or ws=wb[any name]suppose name sheet is paster


As mentioned the earlier answeryou can get the list of sheet names by using the ws.sheetnames

But if you know the sheet names you can get that worksheet object by


Another way of doing this is as mentioned in earlier answer