Good documentation/tutorial for python webkit [closed] Good documentation/tutorial for python webkit [closed] python python

Good documentation/tutorial for python webkit [closed]

It appears that there are multiple Python bindings for WebKit.

For the Qt/KDE bindings, there is a fairly detailed tutorial:

For the GTK bindings, Ars Technica has an example:

The PyWebkitGTK api should be mostly the same as the standard GTK api. You can view some documentation built into the webkit, for example:

import webkitprint webkit.WebView.__doc__

will show signals and properties you can use. You can also use "dir(webkit.WebView)" to show all the methods of the class. You'll see they are very similar to the GTK C documentation, with some differences, for example, void webkit_web_view_select_all(WebkitWebView) is WebView.select_all in Python.

PySide,a Python binding for Qt.The PySide.QtWebKit module has class structured documentation.