Good uses for mutable function argument default values? Good uses for mutable function argument default values? python python

Good uses for mutable function argument default values?

You can use it to cache values between function calls:

def get_from_cache(name, cache={}):    if name in cache: return cache[name]    cache[name] = result = expensive_calculation()    return result

but usually that sort of thing is done better with a class as you can then have additional attributes to clear the cache etc.

Canonical answer is this page:

It also mentions 3 "good" use cases for mutable default argument:

  • binding local variable to current value of outer variable in a callback
  • cache/memoization
  • local rebinding of global names (for highly optimized code)

Maybe you do not mutate the mutable argument, but do expect a mutable argument:

def foo(x, y, config={}):    my_config = {'debug': True, 'verbose': False}    my_config.update(config)    return bar(x, my_config) + baz(y, my_config)

(Yes, I know you can use config=() in this particular case, but I find that less clear and less general.)