Hosting Mercurial with IIS 6 Hosting Mercurial with IIS 6 python python

Hosting Mercurial with IIS 6

Some more things that I needed to fix:

  • Where the various HOWTOs say to use c:\whatever\Python26\python.exe -u "%s" "%s" instead use c:\whatever\Python26\python.exe -u -O -B "%s" "%s" -O causes it to also look for .pyo files (not just .py or .pyc, which at least in my version weren't present). -B causes it to not attempt to compile .py files that it finds into .pyo files (which fails due to lacking write permissions)
  • I'd installed Python 2.7. Mercurial 1.6.2's .pyo files were compiled with Python 2.6. This resulted in a magic number error. Uninstalling 2.7 and installing 2.6.5 fixed this. (If you're reading this at some point in the future, this point may no longer be relevant - check the name of the DLL in Mercurial's directory, or TortoiseHg's directory, depending on where you took from)
  • hgwebdir.cgi is now just hgweb.cgi - webdir was integrated into it

Finally I got that "no headers" error returned on any python script error, so I checked script with console interpreter and fixed errors in my config file. And of course I should ask this question at ServerFault instead of StackOverflow - the lack of sleep did the job :)

There's a pretty good post at that'll get you started, but if you need more detail or to go further than the writer did, I've got a 4 part blog post that covers everything you need to know about getting up and running on IIS, including Active Directory integration, pull/push privileges, customization of the UI:

It's worth a read...