How can I change a Django form field value before saving? How can I change a Django form field value before saving? python python

How can I change a Django form field value before saving?

If you need to do something to the data before saving, just create a function like:

def clean_nameofdata(self):    data = self.cleaned_data['nameofdata']    # do some stuff    return data

All you need is to create a function with the name **clean_***nameofdata* where nameofdata is the name of the field, so if you want to modify password field, you need:

def clean_password(self):

if you need to modify passwordrepeat

def clean_passwordrepeat(self):

So inside there, just encrypt your password and return the encrypted one.

I mean:

def clean_password(self):    data = self.cleaned_data['password']    # encrypt stuff    return data

so when you valid the form, the password would be encrypted.

See the documentation for the save() method

if request.method == 'POST':    userf = UsersModelForm(request.POST)    new_user =    username = userf.cleaned_data['username']    password = userf.cleaned_data['password']    passwordrepeat = userf.cleaned_data['passwordrepeat']    email = userf.cleaned_data['email']    new_user.password = new1    new_user.passwordrepeat = new2

You will have problems if you need to fill form from POST, change any form field value and render form again.Here is solution for it:

class StudentSignUpForm(forms.Form):  step = forms.IntegerField()  def set_step(self, step):    data =    data['step'] = step = data

And then:

form = StudentSignUpForm(request.POST)if form.is_valid() and something():  form.set_step(2)  return  render_to_string('form.html', {'form': form})