How can I copy to the clipboard the output of a cell in a Jupyter notebook? How can I copy to the clipboard the output of a cell in a Jupyter notebook? python python

How can I copy to the clipboard the output of a cell in a Jupyter notebook?

Jupyter notebook runs in browser so you can use some javascript to select and copy cells to clipboard. After some trial and error I came up with this bookmarklet:


Add it to your bookmarks and run it on a notebook page.

How it works

  1. For every input and output cell it adds a small copy icon that shows on hover.
  2. Clicking on copy icon selects a corresponding cell content, sends it to clipboard and then deselects it. Content is copied in text/plain and text/html format so it can be used to copy text, tables, images and plots with formatting.
  3. After coping, icon disappears to give some feedback and shows on next hover event.

It should work on any modern browser including IE11.

Here is decoded source:

(function () {  function SelectText(element) {    var range;    var selection;    if (document.body.createTextRange) {      range = document.body.createTextRange();      range.moveToElementText(element);;      copy2clipboard(range.text, element.innerHTML);      document.getSelection().removeAllRanges();    } else if (window.getSelection) {      selection = window.getSelection();      range = document.createRange();      range.selectNodeContents(element);      selection.removeAllRanges();      selection.addRange(range);      copy2clipboard(selection.toString(), element.innerHTML);      selection.removeAllRanges();    }  };  function copy2clipboard(text, html) {    function listener(e) {      e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', text);      e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', html);      e.preventDefault();    }    document.addEventListener('copy', listener);    document.execCommand('copy');    document.removeEventListener('copy', listener);  };  $('#notebook-container').on('mouseenter', '.input, .output_wrapper', function () {    if ($(this).find('i:last').length) {      $(this).find('i:last').show();    } else {      $(this).css({        'position': 'relative'      }).append($('<i style=\"position:absolute; top:7px; left: 7px;\" class=\"fa-copy fa\"></i>').on('click', function () {        SelectText($(this).parent().find('.input_area, .output') [0]);        $(this).slideUp();      }));    }  });  $('#notebook-container').on('mouseleave', '.input, .output_wrapper', function () {    $(this).find('i:last').hide();  });}) ();

Bookmarklet is created by removing newlines from code and running it through encodeURIComponent() function.

Old answer

There are several ways to copy data to clipboard in python using tkinter, win32 or ctypes. But if you are using Jupyter notebook, you probably also using pandas.

import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(['Copy me to clipboard'])df.to_clipboard(index=False,header=False)

You can try using pyperclip - a third-party package that copies strings to the system clipboard.


import pyperclip as clip# Sample Datares = [(str(x*100), x) for x in range(1, 10)]res


[('100', 1), ('200', 2), ('300', 3), ('400', 4), ('500', 5), ('600', 6),  ('700', 7), ('800', 8), ('900', 9)]


clip.copy(f"{res}")#clip.copy("{}".format(res))                           # python < 3.6clip.paste()                                           # or Ctrl + V


[('100', 1), ('200', 2), ('300', 3), ('400', 4), ('500', 5), ('600', 6), ('700', 7), ('800', 8), ('900', 9)]

I use Jupyter Labs. You can right click on the output cell that you want to copy and select

Create New View for Output. That will put the output in a separate screen. On the new output screen, it will let you copy using CRTL + C or using right click.

Hope this helps.