How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++? How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++? python python

How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?

There's two parts to this answer. First you need to expose your interface in Python in a way which allows Python implementations to override parts of it at will. Then you need to show your C++ program (in main how to call Python.

Exposing the existing interface to Python:

The first part is pretty easy to do with SWIG. I modified your example scenario slightly to fix a few issues and added an extra function for testing:

// myif.hclass myif {   public:     virtual float myfunc(float a) = 0;};inline void runCode(myif *inst) {  std::cout << inst->myfunc(5) << std::endl;}

For now I'll look at the problem without embedding Python in your application, i.e. you start excetion in Python, not in int main() in C++. It's fairly straightforward to add that later though.

First up is getting cross-language polymorphism working:

%module(directors="1") module// We need to include myif.h in the SWIG generated C++ file%{#include <iostream>#include "myif.h"%}// Enable cross-language polymorphism in the SWIG wrapper. // It's pretty slow so not enable by default%feature("director") myif;// Tell swig to wrap everything in myif.h%include "myif.h"

To do that we've enabled SWIG's director feature globally and specifically for our interface. The rest of it is pretty standard SWIG though.

I wrote a test Python implementation:

import moduleclass MyCl(module.myif):  def __init__(self):    module.myif.__init__(self)  def myfunc(self,a):    return a*2.0cl = MyCl()print cl.myfunc(100.0)module.runCode(cl)

With that I was then able to compile and run this:

swig -python  -c++ -Wall myif.i g++ -Wall -Wextra -shared -o myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7python 200.010

Exactly what you'd hope to see from that test.

Embedding the Python in the application:

Next up we need to implement a real version of your I've put together a sketch of what it might look like:

#include <iostream>#include "myif.h"#include <Python.h>int main(){  Py_Initialize();  const double input = 5.0;  PyObject *main = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");  PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(main);  PySys_SetPath(".");  PyObject *module = PyImport_Import(PyString_FromString("mycl"));  PyModule_AddObject(main, "mycl", module);  PyObject *instance = PyRun_String("mycl.MyCl()", Py_eval_input, dict, dict);  PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(instance, "myfunc", (char *)"(O)" ,PyFloat_FromDouble(input));  PyObject *error = PyErr_Occurred();  if (error) {    std::cerr << "Error occured in PyRun_String" << std::endl;    PyErr_Print();  }  double ret = PyFloat_AsDouble(result);  std::cout << ret << std::endl;  Py_Finalize();  return 0;}

It's basically just standard embedding Python in another application. It works and gives exactly what you'd hope to see also:

g++ -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/include/python2.7 -o main -lpython2.7./main200.01010

The final piece of the puzzle is being able to convert the PyObject* that you get from creating the instance in Python into a myif *. SWIG again makes this reasonably straightforward.

First we need to ask SWIG to expose its runtime in a headerfile for us. We do this with an extra call to SWIG:

swig -Wall -c++ -python -external-runtime runtime.h

Next we need to re-compile our SWIG module, explicitly giving the table of types SWIG knows about a name so we can look it up from within our We recompile the .so using:

g++ -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif -Wall -Wextra -shared -o myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7

Then we add a helper function for converting the PyObject* to myif* in our

#include "runtime.h"// runtime.h was generated by SWIG for us with the second call we mademyif *python2interface(PyObject *obj) {  void *argp1 = 0;  swig_type_info * pTypeInfo = SWIG_TypeQuery("myif *");  const int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &argp1,pTypeInfo, 0);  if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {    abort();  }  return reinterpret_cast<myif*>(argp1);}

Now this is in place we can use it from within main():

int main(){  Py_Initialize();  const double input = 5.5;  PySys_SetPath(".");  PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("mycl");  PyObject *cls = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "MyCl");  PyObject *instance = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(cls, NULL);  myif *inst = python2interface(instance);  std::cout << inst->myfunc(input) << std::endl;  Py_XDECREF(instance);  Py_XDECREF(cls);  Py_Finalize();  return 0;}

Finally we have to compile with -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif and this gives:


Minimal example; note that it is complicated by the fact that Base is not pure virtual. There we go:

  1. baz.cpp:

    #include<string>#include<boost/python.hpp>using std::string;namespace py=boost::python;struct Base{  virtual string foo() const { return ""; }  // fooBase is non-virtual, calling it from anywhere (c++ or python)  // will go through c++ dispatch  string fooBase() const { return foo(); }};struct BaseWrapper: Base, py::wrapper<Base>{  string foo() const{    // if Base were abstract (non-instantiable in python), then    // there would be only this->get_override("foo")() here    //    // if called on a class which overrides foo in python    if(this->get_override("foo")) return this->get_override("foo")();    // no override in python; happens if Base(Wrapper) is instantiated directly    else return Base::foo();  }};BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(baz){  py::class_<BaseWrapper,boost::noncopyable>("Base")    .def("foo",&Base::foo)    .def("fooBase",&Base::fooBase)  ;}

    import syssys.path.append('.')import bazclass PyDerived(baz.Base):  def foo(self): return ''base=baz.Base()der=PyDerived()print, base.fooBase()print, der.fooBase()
  3. Makefile

    default:       g++ -shared -fPIC -o baz.cpp -lboost_python `pkg-config python --cflags`

And the result is:

where you can see how fooBase() (the non-virtual c++ function) calls virtual foo(), which resolves to the override regardless whether in c++ or python. You could derive a class from Base in c++ and it would work just the same.

EDIT (extracting c++ object):

PyObject* obj; // givenpy::object pyObj(obj); // wrap as boost::python object (cheap)py::extract<Base> ex(pyObj); if(ex.check()){ // types are compatible  Base& b=ex(); // get the wrapped object  // ...} else {  // error}// shorter, thrwos when conversion not possibleBase &b=py::extract<Base>(py::object(obj))();

Construct py::object from PyObject* and use py::extract to query whether the python object matches what you are trying to extract: PyObject* obj; py::extract<Base> extractor(py::object(obj)); if(!extractor.check()) /* error */; Base& b=extractor();


"Boost.Python also allows us to represent C++ inheritance relationships so that wrapped derived classes may be passed where values, pointers, or references to a base class are expected as arguments."

There are examples of virtual functions so that solves the first part (the one with class MyCl(myif))

For specific examples doing this,

For the line myif c = MyCl(); you need to expose your python (module) to C++. There are examples here