How can I write a parquet file using Spark (pyspark)? How can I write a parquet file using Spark (pyspark)? python python

How can I write a parquet file using Spark (pyspark)?

The error was due to the fact that the textFile method from SparkContext returned an RDD and what I needed was a DataFrame.

SparkSession has a SQLContext under the hood. So I needed to use the DataFrameReader to read the CSV file correctly before converting it to a parquet file.

spark = SparkSession \    .builder \    .appName("Protob Conversion to Parquet") \    .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \    .getOrCreate()# read csvdf ="/temp/proto_temp.csv")# Displays the content of the DataFrame to"output/proto.parquet")

You can also write out Parquet files from Spark with koalas. This library is great for folks that prefer Pandas syntax. Koalas is PySpark under the hood.

Here's the Koala code:

import databricks.koalas as ksdf = ks.read_csv('/temp/proto_temp.csv')df.to_parquet('output/proto.parquet')