How can you get unittest2 and working together? How can you get unittest2 and working together? python python

How can you get unittest2 and working together?


coverage run -m unittest discover

works for me.

This must be specific to your installation since it works fine for me

coverage run unit2 discover

to generate the coverage information then

coverage html

to generate the an HTML report (one of several reporting formats), and

open htmlcov/index.html

to see the results.

(Answering this because this is a top ghit for "unittest2 coverage" and I don't want people put off by the lack of any answer.)

I am running Windows and encountered the same problem.

$ coverage run unit2 discoverNo file to run: 'unit2'

I suspect this is related to differences in how the system path and python path are handled on various operating systems (I'm guessing Andrew is running linux?). Regardless, coverage run takes a -m option which allows you to run a module rather than a script. This is what I use:

coverage run -m unittest2 discover