How can you programmatically inspect the stack trace of an exception in Python? How can you programmatically inspect the stack trace of an exception in Python? python python

How can you programmatically inspect the stack trace of an exception in Python?

traceback is enough - and I suppose that documentation describes it rather well. Simplified example:

import sysimport tracebacktry:    eval('a')except NameError:    traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)

You can use the inspect module which has some utility functions for tracing. Have a look at the overview of properties of the frame objects.

I like the traceback module.

You can get a traceback object using sys.exc_info(). Then you can use that object to get a list preprocessed list of traceback entries using traceback.extract_tb(). Then you can get a readable list using traceback.format_list() as follows:

import sysimport traceback, inspecttry:    f = open("nonExistant file",'r')except:    (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = sys.exc_info()    #print exception type    print exc_type    tb_list = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])    tb_list = traceback.format_list(tb_list)    for elt in tb_list:        print elt        #Do any processing you need here.

See the sys Module:

and the traceback Module: