How do I disable a Pylint warning? How do I disable a Pylint warning? python python

How do I disable a Pylint warning?

pylint --generate-rcfile shows it like this:

[MESSAGES CONTROL]# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option# multiple time.#enable=# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You# can either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where# it should appear only once).#disable=

So it looks like your ~/.pylintrc should have the disable= line/s in it inside a section [MESSAGES CONTROL].

I had this problem using Eclipse and solved it as follows:

In the pylint folder (e.g. C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pylint), hold Shift, right-click and choose to open the windows command in that folder. Type: --generate-rcfile > standard.rc

This creates the standard.rc configuration file. Open it in Notepad and under [MESSAGES CONTROL], uncommentdisable= and add the message ID's you want to disable, e.g.:

disable=W0511, C0321

Save the file, and in Eclipse → WindowPreferencesPyDev → *pylint, in the arguments box, type:


Now it should work...

You can also add a comment at the top of your code that will be interpreted by Pylint:

# pylint: disable=C0321

Pylint message codes.

Adding e.g. --disable-ids=C0321 in the arguments box does not work.

All available Pylint messages are stored in the dictionary _messages, an attribute of an instance of the pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn class. When running Pylint with the argument --disable-ids=... (at least without a configuration file), this dictionary is initially empty, raising a KeyError exception within Pylint (pylint.utils.MessagesHandlerMixIn.check_message_id().

In Eclipse, you can see this error-message in the Pylint Console (windows* → show viewConsole, select Pylint console from the console options besides the console icon.)

Starting from Pylint v. 0.25.3, you can use the symbolic names for disabling warnings instead of having to remember all those code numbers. E.g.:

# pylint: disable=locally-disabled, multiple-statements, fixme, line-too-long

This style is more instructive than cryptic error codes, and also more practical since newer versions of Pylint only output the symbolic name, not the error code.

The correspondence between symbolic names and codes can be found here.

A disable comment can be inserted on its own line, applying the disable to everything that comes after in the same block. Alternatively, it can be inserted at the end of the line for which it is meant to apply.

If Pylint outputs "Locally disabling" messages, you can get rid of them by including the disable locally-disabled first as in the example above.