How do I force Django to ignore any caches and reload data? How do I force Django to ignore any caches and reload data? python python

How do I force Django to ignore any caches and reload data?

Having had this problem and found two definitive solutions for it I thought it worth posting another answer.

This is a problem with MySQL's default transaction mode. Django opens a transaction at the start, which means that by default you won't see changes made in the database.

Demonstrate like this

Run a django shell in terminal 1

>>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'old'

And another in terminal 2

>>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'old'>>> a = MyModel.objects.get(id=1)>>> a.my_field = "NEW">>>>>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'NEW'>>> 

Back to terminal 1 to demonstrate the problem - we still read the old value from the database.

>>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'old'

Now in terminal 1 demonstrate the solution

>>> from django.db import transaction>>> >>> @transaction.commit_manually... def flush_transaction():...     transaction.commit()... >>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'old'>>> flush_transaction()>>> MyModel.objects.get(id=1).my_fieldu'NEW'>>> 

The new data is now read

Here is that code in an easy to paste block with docstring

from django.db import transaction@transaction.commit_manuallydef flush_transaction():    """    Flush the current transaction so we don't read stale data    Use in long running processes to make sure fresh data is read from    the database.  This is a problem with MySQL and the default    transaction mode.  You can fix it by setting    "transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED" in my.cnf or by calling    this function at the appropriate moment    """    transaction.commit()

The alternative solution is to change my.cnf for MySQL to change the default transaction mode

transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED

Note that that is a relatively new feature for Mysql and has some consequences for binary logging / slaving. You could also put this in the django connection preamble if you wanted.

Update 3 years later

Now that Django 1.6 has turned on autocommit in MySQL this is no longer a problem. The example above now works fine without the flush_transaction() code whether your MySQL is in REPEATABLE-READ (the default) or READ-COMMITTED transaction isolation mode.

What was happening in previous versions of Django which ran in non autocommit mode was that the first select statement opened a transaction. Since MySQL's default mode is REPEATABLE-READ this means that no updates to the database will be read by subsequent select statements - hence the need for the flush_transaction() code above which stops the transaction and starts a new one.

There are still reasons why you might want to use READ-COMMITTED transaction isolation though. If you were to put terminal 1 in a transaction and you wanted to see the writes from the terminal 2 you would need READ-COMMITTED.

The flush_transaction() code now produces a deprecation warning in Django 1.6 so I recommend you remove it.

We've struggled a fair bit with forcing django to refresh the "cache" - which it turns out wasn't really a cache at all but an artifact due to transactions. This might not apply to your example, but certainly in django views, by default, there's an implicit call to a transaction, which mysql then isolates from any changes that happen from other processes ater you start.

we used the @transaction.commit_manually decorator and calls to transaction.commit() just before every occasion where you need up-to-date info.

As I say, this definitely applies to views, not sure whether it would apply to django code not being run inside a view.

detailed info here:

I'm not sure I'd recommend it...but you can just kill the cache yourself:

>>> qs = MyModel.objects.all()>>> qs.count()1>>> MyModel().save()>>> qs.count()  # cached!1>>> qs._result_cache = None>>> qs.count()2

And here's a better technique that doesn't rely on fiddling with the innards of the QuerySet: Remember that the caching is happening within a QuerySet, but refreshing the data simply requires the underlying Query to be re-executed. The QuerySet is really just a high-level API wrapping a Query object, plus a container (with caching!) for Query results. Thus, given a queryset, here is a general-purpose way of forcing a refresh:

>>> MyModel().save()>>> qs = MyModel.objects.all()>>> qs.count()1>>> MyModel().save()>>> qs.count()  # cached!1>>> from django.db.models import QuerySet>>> qs = QuerySet(model=MyModel, query=qs.query)>>> qs.count()  # refreshed!2>>> party_time()

Pretty easy! You can of course implement this as a helper function and use as needed.