How do I stop Tornado web server? [duplicate] How do I stop Tornado web server? [duplicate] python python

How do I stop Tornado web server? [duplicate]

I just ran into this and found this issue myself, and using info from this thread came up with the following. I simply took my working stand alone Tornado code (copied from all the examples) and moved the actual starting code into a function. I then called the function as a threading thread. My case different as the threading call was done from my existing code where I just imported the startTornado and stopTornado routines.

The suggestion above seemed to work great, so I figured I would supply the missing example code. I tested this code under Linux on a FC16 system (and fixed my initial type-o).

import tornado.ioloop, tornado.webclass Handler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):    def get(self):        self.write("Hello, world")application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", Handler) ])def startTornado():    application.listen(8888)    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()def stopTornado():    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()if __name__ == "__main__":    import time, threading    threading.Thread(target=startTornado).start()    print "Your web server will self destruct in 2 minutes"    time.sleep(120)    stopTornado()

Hope this helps the next person.

Here is the solution how to stop Torando from another thread. Schildmeijer provided a good hint, but it took me a while to actually figure the final example that works.

Please see below:

import threadingimport tornado.ioloopimport tornado.webimport timeclass MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):    def get(self):        self.write("Hello, world!\n")def start_tornado(*args, **kwargs):    application = tornado.web.Application([        (r"/", MainHandler),    ])    application.listen(8888)    print "Starting Torando"    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()    print "Tornado finished"def stop_tornado():    ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()    ioloop.add_callback(ioloop.stop)    print "Asked Tornado to exit"def main():    t = threading.Thread(target=start_tornado)      t.start()    time.sleep(5)    stop_tornado()    t.join()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

In case you do no want to bother with threads, you could catch a keyboard interrupt signal :

try:    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()# signal : CTRL + BREAK on windows or CTRL + C on linuxexcept KeyboardInterrupt:    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop()