How do I uninstall a Python module (“egg”) that I installed with easy_install? How do I uninstall a Python module (“egg”) that I installed with easy_install? python python

How do I uninstall a Python module (“egg”) that I installed with easy_install?

Ah, here we go:

$ easy_install -m PackageName$ rm EggFile

I’m not exactly clear what the -m option does, but this method seems to work for me (i.e. after doing it, I can no longer import the modules in my Python interpreter).

easy_install did work for me.

I also was able to test that easy_install -m short name worked. For example:

easy_install -m mesos # ( short for mesos-0.16.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg)

pip uninstall mesos also ending up working with short name.