How do you create in python a file with permissions other users can write How do you create in python a file with permissions other users can write python python

How do you create in python a file with permissions other users can write

If you don't want to use os.chmod and prefer to have the file created with appropriate permissions, then you may use to create the appropriate file descriptor and then open the descriptor:

import os# The default umask is 0o22 which turns off write permission of group and othersos.umask(0)with open('filepath', os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o777), 'w') as fh:  fh.write(...)

Python 2 Note:

The built-in open() in Python 2.x doesn't support opening by file descriptor. Use os.fdopen instead; otherwise you'll get:

TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found.

The problem is your call to open() recreates the call. Either you need to move the chmod() to after you close the file, OR change the file mode to w+.


with open("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", "w+") as fh:    fh.write(p1)os.chmod("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", 0o777)


os.chmod("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", 0o777)with open("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", "w+") as fh:    fh.write(p1)

Comment: Option1 is slightly better as it handles the condition where the file may not already exist (in which case the os.chmod() will throw an exception).

This is a robust method

#!/usr/bin/env python3import statimport ospath = 'outfile.txt'with open(path, 'w') as fh:    fh.write('blabla\n')st = os.stat(path)os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWOTH)

See how:

See also: Write file with specific permissions in Python