How does the callback function work in multiprocessing map_async? How does the callback function work in multiprocessing map_async? python python

How does the callback function work in multiprocessing map_async?

Callback is called once with the result ([[0], [0, 1]]) if you use map_async.

>>> from multiprocessing import Pool>>> def myfunc(x):...     return [i for i in range(x)]... >>> A = []>>> def mycallback(x):...     print('mycallback is called with {}'.format(x))...     A.extend(x)... >>> pool=Pool()>>> r = pool.map_async(myfunc, (1,2), callback=mycallback)>>> r.wait()mycallback is called with [[0], [0, 1]]>>> print(A)[[0], [0, 1]]

Use apply_async if you want callback to be called for each time.

pool=Pool()results = []for x in (1,2):    r = pool.apply_async(myfunc, (x,), callback=mycallback)    results.append(r)for r in results:    r.wait()