How to accomplish relative import in python How to accomplish relative import in python python python

How to accomplish relative import in python

After fiddling with it a bit more, I realized how to set it up, and for the sake of specificity I won't use foo bar names. My project directory is set up as...

tools/    core/        object_editor/            # files that need to use   # see example at bottom          state_editor/            # files that need to use   # core is the top level package    LICENSE # equivalent to for the state editor # equivalent to for the object editor

A line in looks like...

from core.object_editor import editor

A line in looks like...

from .. import ntlib

or alternatively

from core import ntlib

The key is that in the example I gave in the question, the "main" script was being run from within the package. Once I moved it out, created a specific package (core), and moved the library I wanted the editors to share (ntlib) into that package, everything was hunky-dory.

though as long "stuff" is not in your python PATH you got no choice than adding the path.

If you know the level of your from stuff you can do for example:

import sysimport ossys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))

I'm running Python 3.4.2 on Windows 7 and tore my hair out over this.

When running either of these:

python -m unittest python -m unittest discover

...I would get the 'Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package' error.

For me, the solution was dropping the ".." in my [].The line was: from ..stock import Stock

Changed it to: from stock import Stock

.. and it works.

Folder structure:

C:\  |  +-- stock_alerter             |             +--             +--             |             \-- tests                   |                   +--                   \--