How to add a title to Seaborn Facet Plot How to add a title to Seaborn Facet Plot python python

How to add a title to Seaborn Facet Plot

Updating slightly, with seaborn 0.11.1:

Seaborn's relplot function creates a FacetGrid and gives each subplot its own explanatory title. You can add a title over the whole thing:

import seaborn as snstips = sns.load_dataset('tips')rp = sns.relplot(data=tips, x='total_bill', y='tip',                 col='sex', row='smoker',                 kind='scatter')# rp is a FacetGrid; # relplot is a nice organized way to use itrp.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) # adjust the Figure in rprp.fig.suptitle('ONE TITLE FOR ALL')

Two-by-two grid of scatterplots. Each sub-plot has a title; the grid has a suptitle over all

If you create the FacetGrid directly, as in the original example, it automatically adds column and row labels instead of individual subplot titles. We can still add a title to the whole thing:

from matplotlib.pyplot import scatter as plt_scatterg = sns.FacetGrid(tips, col='sex', row='smoker',                   margin_titles=True), 'total_bill', 'tip')g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)g.fig.suptitle('TITLE!')

Two-by-two grid of scatterplots. Each column has a title and the overall grid has a supertitle.

The FacetGrid objects are built with matplotlib Figure objects, so we can use subplots_adjust, suptitle that may be familiar from matplotlib in general.

g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)g.fig.suptitle('Title', fontsize=16)

More info here:

In ipython notebook, this worked for me!

sns.plt.title('YOUR TITLE HERE')