How To catch python stdout in c++ code How To catch python stdout in c++ code python python

How To catch python stdout in c++ code

Here is a C++ friendly solution I have developed lately.

I explain a few details of it on my blog: Python sys.stdout redirection in C++ where I also point to repository at my GitHub where most recent version can be found.Here is complete example based on the current code at the time of posting this answer:

#include <functional>#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <Python.h>namespace emb{typedef std::function<void(std::string)> stdout_write_type;struct Stdout{    PyObject_HEAD    stdout_write_type write;};PyObject* Stdout_write(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){    std::size_t written(0);    Stdout* selfimpl = reinterpret_cast<Stdout*>(self);    if (selfimpl->write)    {        char* data;        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &data))            return 0;        std::string str(data);        selfimpl->write(str);        written = str.size();    }    return PyLong_FromSize_t(written);}PyObject* Stdout_flush(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){    // no-op    return Py_BuildValue("");}PyMethodDef Stdout_methods[] ={    {"write", Stdout_write, METH_VARARGS, "sys.stdout.write"},    {"flush", Stdout_flush, METH_VARARGS, "sys.stdout.flush"},    {0, 0, 0, 0} // sentinel};PyTypeObject StdoutType ={    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(0, 0)    "emb.StdoutType",     /* tp_name */    sizeof(Stdout),       /* tp_basicsize */    0,                    /* tp_itemsize */    0,                    /* tp_dealloc */    0,                    /* tp_print */    0,                    /* tp_getattr */    0,                    /* tp_setattr */    0,                    /* tp_reserved */    0,                    /* tp_repr */    0,                    /* tp_as_number */    0,                    /* tp_as_sequence */    0,                    /* tp_as_mapping */    0,                    /* tp_hash  */    0,                    /* tp_call */    0,                    /* tp_str */    0,                    /* tp_getattro */    0,                    /* tp_setattro */    0,                    /* tp_as_buffer */    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,   /* tp_flags */    "emb.Stdout objects", /* tp_doc */    0,                    /* tp_traverse */    0,                    /* tp_clear */    0,                    /* tp_richcompare */    0,                    /* tp_weaklistoffset */    0,                    /* tp_iter */    0,                    /* tp_iternext */    Stdout_methods,       /* tp_methods */    0,                    /* tp_members */    0,                    /* tp_getset */    0,                    /* tp_base */    0,                    /* tp_dict */    0,                    /* tp_descr_get */    0,                    /* tp_descr_set */    0,                    /* tp_dictoffset */    0,                    /* tp_init */    0,                    /* tp_alloc */    0,                    /* tp_new */};PyModuleDef embmodule ={    PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,    "emb", 0, -1, 0,};// Internal statePyObject* g_stdout;PyObject* g_stdout_saved;PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_emb(void) {    g_stdout = 0;    g_stdout_saved = 0;    StdoutType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;    if (PyType_Ready(&StdoutType) < 0)        return 0;    PyObject* m = PyModule_Create(&embmodule);    if (m)    {        Py_INCREF(&StdoutType);        PyModule_AddObject(m, "Stdout", reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(&StdoutType));    }    return m;}void set_stdout(stdout_write_type write){    if (!g_stdout)    {        g_stdout_saved = PySys_GetObject("stdout"); // borrowed        g_stdout = StdoutType.tp_new(&StdoutType, 0, 0);    }    Stdout* impl = reinterpret_cast<Stdout*>(g_stdout);    impl->write = write;    PySys_SetObject("stdout", g_stdout);    }void reset_stdout(){    if (g_stdout_saved)        PySys_SetObject("stdout", g_stdout_saved);    Py_XDECREF(g_stdout);    g_stdout = 0;}} // namespace embint main(){    PyImport_AppendInittab("emb", emb::PyInit_emb);    Py_Initialize();    PyImport_ImportModule("emb");    PyRun_SimpleString("print(\'hello to console\')");    // here comes the ***magic***    std::string buffer;    {        // switch sys.stdout to custom handler        emb::stdout_write_type write = [&buffer] (std::string s) { buffer += s; };        emb::set_stdout(write);        PyRun_SimpleString("print(\'hello to buffer\')");        PyRun_SimpleString("print(3.14)");        PyRun_SimpleString("print(\'still talking to buffer\')");        emb::reset_stdout();    }    PyRun_SimpleString("print(\'hello to console again\')");    Py_Finalize();    // output what was written to buffer object    std::clog << buffer << std::endl;}

This allows to intercept sys.stdout.write output with any kind of callable C++ entity: free function, class member function, named function objects or even anonymous functions as in the example above where I use C++11 lambda.

Note, this is a minimal example to present the essential concept. In production-ready code, it certainly needs more attention around reference counting of PyObject, getting rid of global state, and so on.

If I'm reading your question correctly, you want to capture stdout/stderr into a variable within your C++? You can do this by redirecting stdout/stderr into a python variable and then querying this variable into your C++. Please not that I have not done the proper ref counting below:

#include <Python.h>#include <string>int main(int argc, char** argv){    std::string stdOutErr ="import sys\n\class CatchOutErr:\n\    def __init__(self):\n\        self.value = ''\n\    def write(self, txt):\n\        self.value += txt\n\catchOutErr = CatchOutErr()\n\sys.stdout = catchOutErr\n\sys.stderr = catchOutErr\n\"; //this is python code to redirect stdouts/stderr    Py_Initialize();    PyObject *pModule = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); //create main module    PyRun_SimpleString(stdOutErr.c_str()); //invoke code to redirect    PyRun_SimpleString("print(1+1)"); //this is ok stdout    PyRun_SimpleString("1+a"); //this creates an error    PyObject *catcher = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule,"catchOutErr"); //get our catchOutErr created above    PyErr_Print(); //make python print any errors    PyObject *output = PyObject_GetAttrString(catcher,"value"); //get the stdout and stderr from our catchOutErr object    printf("Here's the output:\n %s", PyString_AsString(output)); //it's not in our C++ portion    Py_Finalize();    return 0;}

I know this question is old, but one part of the question has not been answered yet:

"How to catch output of commands that don't directly write to the stdout of Python, like: 1+1 ?"

Here are the steps (for Python 3.4):

  1. Redirect stdout/stderr into a Python variable using Mark's solution:

  2. Copy function PyRun_InteractiveOneObject(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename, PyCompilerFlags *flags) from Python source code. It is located in file pythonrun.c

  3. Modify the PyRun_InteractiveOneObject function name and signature so that the new function takes a const char* (your command) as first parameter instead of a FILE*. Then you will need to use PyParser_ASTFromStringObject instead of PyParser_ASTFromFileObject in the function implementation. Note that you will need to copy the function run_mod as is from Python since it is called within the function.

  4. Call the new function with your command, for example 1+1. Stdout should now receive the output 2.