How to change size of bokeh figure How to change size of bokeh figure python python

How to change size of bokeh figure

If you've already created the plot, then you can use the bokeh.plotting.curplot() function to return the "current" plot, and then set its height and width attributes. If you are building up a Plot object using the lower-level interfaces (e.g. the examples in bokeh/examples/glyph/, then you can just set those attributes directly as well on the plot object or in the Plot() constructor.

Alternatively, if you are using any of the glyph generation functions in bokeh.plotting, you can pass the plot_width and plot_height keyword arguments, e.g.:

line(x,y, color="#0000FF", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset",     name="line_example", plot_width=800, plot_height=300)

You can add the plot_width/plot_height commands to the figure command itself. Notice you can also add the resize tool to the set of tools via resize in the tools keyword var, which can be helpful.

bokeh.plotting.figure(x_axis_type = "datetime",      tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize,previewsave",plot_width=1000,   name="myplot")

Sorry to answer my own question, this was actually easy.
