How to check if some text is present on a web page using selenium 2? How to check if some text is present on a web page using selenium 2? python python

How to check if some text is present on a web page using selenium 2?

For those of you who are still interested:

Generic Solution

if text in driver.page_source:    # text exists in page


assertTrue(text in driver.page_source)


assert text in driver.page_source

You can use driver.page_source and a simple regular expression to check if the text exists:

import re    src = driver.page_sourcetext_found ='text_to_search', src)self.assertNotEqual(text_found, None)

You can try something like

browser = webdriver.Firefox()browser.get(url)WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.LINK_TEXT, 'some link text')))

Essentially the above lines launch Firefox, navigate to the specified url, cause the browser to hold for 10 seconds, for some url to load then look for a specific link text, if no link text is found, a TimeoutException is triggered.

Please note the number of brackets used, you will run into errors if the number of brackets does not correspond like the above.

To be able to run the above statement, the following must have been declared

from selenium import webdriverfrom import Byfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom import expected_conditions as EC

This uses "element_to_be_clickable" - a full list of wait-conditions can be found here: Selenium Python: Waits