How to create multiple workers in Python-RQ? How to create multiple workers in Python-RQ? python python

How to create multiple workers in Python-RQ?

As far as I know RQ does not have any facility to manage multiple workers. You have to start a new worker process defining which queue it will consume. One way of doing this which works pretty well for me is using Supervisor. In supervisor you configure your worker for a given queue and number of processes to have concurrency. For example you can have queue "high-priority" with 5 workers and queue "low-priority" with 1 worker.

It is not only possible but ideal to run multiple workers. I use a bash file for the start command to enter the virtual env, and launch with a custom Worker class.

Here's a supervisor config that has worked very well for me for RQ workers, under a production workload as well. Note that startretries is high since this runs on AWS and needs retries during deployments.


Contents of

#!/bin/bashdate > /tmp/datesource /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activatesource /opt/python/current/env/opt/python/run/venv/bin/python /opt/python/current/app/manage.pyrqworker --worker-class rq.SimpleWorker default

I would like to suggest a very simple solution using django-rq:


...RQ_QUEUES = {    'default': {        'HOST': os.getenv('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),        'PORT': 6379,        'DB': 0,        'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 360,    },    'low': {        'HOST': os.getenv('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),        'PORT': 6379,        'DB': 0,        'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 360,    }}...

Run Configuration

Run python rqworker default low as many times (each time in its own shell, or as its own Docker container, for instance) as the number of desired workers. The order of queues in the command determines their priority. At this point, all workers are listening to both queues.

In the Code

When calling a job to run, pass in the desired queue:

For high/normal priority jobs, you can make the call without any parameters, and the job will enter the default queue. For low priority, you must specify, either at the job level:

@job('low')def my_low_priority_job():  # some code

And then call my_low_priority_job.delay().

Alternatively, determine priority when calling:

queue = django_rq.get_queue('low')queue.enqueue(my_variable_priority_job)