How to download a file via FTP with Python ftplib How to download a file via FTP with Python ftplib python python

How to download a file via FTP with Python ftplib

handle = open(path.rstrip("/") + "/" + filename.lstrip("/"), 'wb')ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, handle.write)

A = filenameftp = ftplib.FTP("IP")ftp.login("USR Name", "Pass")ftp.cwd("/Dir")try:    ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename ,open(A, 'wb').write)except:    print "Error"

FILENAME = 'StarWars.avi'    with ftplib.FTP(FTP_IP, FTP_LOGIN, FTP_PASSWD) as ftp:    ftp.cwd('movies')    with open(FILENAME, 'wb') as f:        ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + FILENAME, f.write)

Of course it would we be wise to handle possible errors.