How to find the comment tag <!--...--> with BeautifulSoup? How to find the comment tag <!--...--> with BeautifulSoup? python python

How to find the comment tag <!--...--> with BeautifulSoup?

You can find all the comments in a document with via the findAll method. See this example showing how to do exactly what you're trying to do Removing elements:

In brief, you want this:

comments = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment))

Edit: If you're trying to search within the columns, you can try:

import recomments = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment))for comment in comments:  e = re.match(r'<i>([^<]*)</i>', comment.string).group(1)  print e

Pyparsing allows you to search for HTML comments using a builtin htmlComment expression, and attach parse-time callbacks to validate and extract the various data fields within the comment:

from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, oneOf, withAttribute, Word, nums, Group, htmlCommentimport calendar# have pyparsing define tag start/end expressions for the # tags we want to look for inside the commentsspan,spanEnd = makeHTMLTags("span")i,iEnd = makeHTMLTags("i")# only want spans with class=titlefontspan.addParseAction(withAttribute(**{'class':'titlefont'}))# define what specifically we are looking for in this commentweekdayname = oneOf(list(calendar.day_name))integer = Word(nums)dateExpr = Group(weekdayname("day") + integer("daynum"))commentBody = '<!--' + span + i + dateExpr("date") + iEnd# define a parse action to attach to the standard htmlComment expression,# to extract only what we want (or raise a ParseException in case # this is not one of the comments we're looking for)def grabCommentContents(tokens):    return commentBody.parseString(tokens[0])htmlComment.addParseAction(grabCommentContents)# let's try ithtmlsource = """want to match this one<!-- <span class="titlefont"> <i>Wednesday 110518</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->don't want the next one, wrong span class<!-- <span class="bodyfont"> <i>Wednesday 110519</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->not even a span tag!<!-- some other text with a date in italics <i>Wednesday 110520</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->another matching comment, on a different day<!-- <span class="titlefont"> <i>Thursday 110521</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->"""for comment in htmlComment.searchString(htmlsource):    parsedDate =    # date info can be accessed like elements in a list    print parsedDate[0], parsedDate[1]    # because we named the expressions within the dateExpr Group    # we can also get at them by name (this is much more robust, and     # easier to maintain/update later)    print    print parsedDate.daynum    print


Wednesday 110518Wednesday110518Thursday 110521Thursday110521