How to ignore Pyflakes errors ‘imported but unused’ in the ‘’ file? How to ignore Pyflakes errors ‘imported but unused’ in the ‘’ file? python python

How to ignore Pyflakes errors ‘imported but unused’ in the ‘’ file?

To ignore all errors F401 (‘imported but unused’) in ‘’ files, the option ‘per-file-ignores’ which has been available since Flake8 version 3.7.0 (a better Pyflakes) is very convenient. It can be used on the command-line:

flake8 --per-file-ignores="" .

or in a configuration file (‘.flake8’, ‘setup.cfg’ or ‘tox.ini’):

[flake8]per-file-ignores =

In my version of PyFlakes (0.7.3), using __all__ works.

Additionally, to skip a line, you should add # noqa.

Sometimes you have to skip a line.According to the current versions docs (flake8 2.4.1)The files that contain

# flake8: noqa

are skipped. This works, and # noga, # pyflakes.ignore not.