How to include third party Python packages in Sublime Text 2 plugins How to include third party Python packages in Sublime Text 2 plugins python python

How to include third party Python packages in Sublime Text 2 plugins

You need to bundle full requests distribution with your Python package and then modify Python's sys.path (where it looks for modules) to point to a folder containing requests folder.

  • Download Requests library from a PyPi and extract it manually under your plugin folder

  • Before importing requests in your plugin, append the corrcet folder to sys.path to point a folder where it can found requests import

The (untested) code should look like something like this:

  import sys   import os  # request-dists is the folder in our plugin  sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "requests-dist"))  import requests

This also assumes that requests does not do any hacks when you install the module using easy_install or pip.

You also could import requests zip directly as Python supports importing from ZIP files, assuming requests is distributed in compatible way. Example (advanced):

More about sys.path trick (2004)

Mikko's answer is good, but I may have found a slightly easier way:

import MyAwesomePlugin.requests

"MyAwesomePlugin" being the name of your plugin, of course.