How to install dependencies from a copied pipfile inside a virtual environment? How to install dependencies from a copied pipfile inside a virtual environment? python python

How to install dependencies from a copied pipfile inside a virtual environment?

The proper answer to this question is that pipenv install or pipenv install --dev (if there are dev dependencies) should be ran. That will install all the dependencies in the Pipefile. Putting the dependencies into a requirements.txt and then using pip will work but is not really necessary. The whole point of using pipenv for most people is to avoid the need to manage a requirements.txt or to use pip.

EDIT: if the virtualenv is already activated, you can also use pipenv sync or pipenv sync --dev for the same effect.

Ideally, you are encouraged to have a requirements.txt file which contains all the packages required for installation via pip. You can create this file by doing:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can convert a Pipfile and Pipfile.lock into a requirements.txt. Take a look into this

pipenv lock -r

After that, you can install all your modules in your python virtual environment by doing the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Hopefully, I anwered your question.

I had a similar issue. For me, I exited the virtualenv and ran

pipenv --three sync

and it worked.

From what I can understand the idea is to create a new virtual environment using python 3 in my case. If you're using python 2 the above command would be edited to read

pipenv --two

The sync command copies all dependencies from the Pipfile.lock over to the new virtualenv.