How to limit concurrency with Python asyncio? How to limit concurrency with Python asyncio? python python

How to limit concurrency with Python asyncio?

If I'm not mistaken you're searching for asyncio.Semaphore. Example of usage:

import asynciofrom random import randintasync def download(code):    wait_time = randint(1, 3)    print('downloading {} will take {} second(s)'.format(code, wait_time))    await asyncio.sleep(wait_time)  # I/O, context will switch to main function    print('downloaded {}'.format(code))sem = asyncio.Semaphore(3)async def safe_download(i):    async with sem:  # semaphore limits num of simultaneous downloads        return await download(i)async def main():    tasks = [        asyncio.ensure_future(safe_download(i))  # creating task starts coroutine        for i        in range(9)    ]    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)  # await moment all downloads doneif __name__ ==  '__main__':    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()    try:        loop.run_until_complete(main())    finally:        loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens())        loop.close()


downloading 0 will take 3 second(s)downloading 1 will take 3 second(s)downloading 2 will take 1 second(s)downloaded 2downloading 3 will take 3 second(s)downloaded 1downloaded 0downloading 4 will take 2 second(s)downloading 5 will take 1 second(s)downloaded 5downloaded 3downloading 6 will take 3 second(s)downloading 7 will take 1 second(s)downloaded 4downloading 8 will take 2 second(s)downloaded 7downloaded 8downloaded 6

An example of async downloading with aiohttp can be found here. Note that aiohttp has a Semaphore equivalent built in, which you can see an example of here. It has a default limit of 100 connections.

I used Mikhails answer and ended up with this little gem

async def gather_with_concurrency(n, *tasks):    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(n)    async def sem_task(task):        async with semaphore:            return await task    return await asyncio.gather(*(sem_task(task) for task in tasks))

Which you would run instead of normal gather

await gather_with_concurrency(100, *my_coroutines)

Before reading the rest of this answer, please note that the idiomatic way of limiting the number of parallel tasks this with asyncio is using asyncio.Semaphore, as shown in Mikhail's answer and elegantly abstracted in Andrei's answer. This answer contains working, but a bit more complicated ways of achieving the same. I am leaving the answer because in some cases this approach can have advantages over a semaphore, specifically when the work to be done is very large or unbounded, and you cannot create all the coroutines in advance. In that case the second (queue-based) solution is this answer is what you want. But in most regular situations, such as parallel download through aiohttp, you should use a semaphore instead.

You basically need a fixed-size pool of download tasks. asyncio doesn't come with a pre-made task pool, but it is easy to create one: simply keep a set of tasks and don't allow it to grow past the limit. Although the question states your reluctance to go down that route, the code ends up much more elegant:

import asyncioimport randomasync def download(code):    wait_time = random.randint(1, 3)    print('downloading {} will take {} second(s)'.format(code, wait_time))    await asyncio.sleep(wait_time)  # I/O, context will switch to main function    print('downloaded {}'.format(code))async def main(loop):    no_concurrent = 3    dltasks = set()    i = 0    while i < 9:        if len(dltasks) >= no_concurrent:            # Wait for some download to finish before adding a new one            _done, dltasks = await asyncio.wait(                dltasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)        dltasks.add(loop.create_task(download(i)))        i += 1    # Wait for the remaining downloads to finish    await asyncio.wait(dltasks)

An alternative is to create a fixed number of coroutines doing the downloading, much like a fixed-size thread pool, and feed them work using an asyncio.Queue. This removes the need to manually limit the number of downloads, which will be automatically limited by the number of coroutines invoking download():

# download() defined as aboveasync def download_worker(q):    while True:        code = await q.get()        await download(code)        q.task_done()async def main(loop):    q = asyncio.Queue()    workers = [loop.create_task(download_worker(q)) for _ in range(3)]    i = 0    while i < 9:        await q.put(i)        i += 1    await q.join()  # wait for all tasks to be processed    for worker in workers:        worker.cancel()    await asyncio.gather(*workers, return_exceptions=True)

As for your other question, the obvious choice would be aiohttp.