How to log IPython history to text file? How to log IPython history to text file? python python

How to log IPython history to text file?

You can export all of your history in IPython to a text file with the %history magic like this:

%history -g -f filename

One way of getting what you want might be to do that export in a git hook. I usually put these "sync an external resource" actions in the post-checkout git hook.

You can also choose which lines you would like to save. E.g.

%history 1 7-8 10 -f /tmp/

This will save line 1, 7 to 8 and 10 to a temp file If you need the whole just skip the part of the line.

%history -f /tmp/

You can emulate bash's behavior by adding this in one of your startup scripts (e.g. $(ipython locate profile)/startup/

import atexitimport osip = get_ipython()LIMIT = 1000 # limit the size of the historydef save_history():    """save the IPython history to a plaintext file"""    histfile = os.path.join(ip.profile_dir.location, "history.txt")    print("Saving plaintext history to %s" % histfile)    lines = []    # get previous lines    # this is only necessary because we truncate the history,    # otherwise we chould just open with mode='a'    if os.path.exists(histfile):        with open(histfile, 'r') as f:            lines = f.readlines()    # add any new lines from this session    lines.extend(record[2] + '\n' for record in ip.history_manager.get_range())    with open(histfile, 'w') as f:        # limit to LIMIT entries        f.writelines(lines[-LIMIT:])# do the save at exitatexit.register(save_history)

Note that this emulates the bash/readline history behavior in that it will fail on an interpreter crash, etc.

in a gist

update: alternative

If what you actually want is to just have a few manual favorite commands available to readline (completion, ^R search, etc.) that you can version control, this startup file will allow you to maintain that file yourself, which will be purely in addition to the actual command history of IPython:

import osip = get_ipython()favfile = "readline_favorites"def load_readline_favorites():    """load profile_dir/readline_favorites into the readline history"""    path = os.path.join(ip.profile_dir.location, favfile)    if not os.path.exists(path):        return    with open(path) as f:        for line in f:            ip.readline.add_history(line.rstrip('\n'))if ip.has_readline:    load_readline_favorites()

Drop this in your profile_default/startup/ dir, and edit profile_default/readline_favorites, or anywhere you prefer to keep that file, and it will show up in readline completions, etc. on every IPython session.