How to profile multiple subprocesses using Python multiprocessing and memory_profiler? How to profile multiple subprocesses using Python multiprocessing and memory_profiler? python python

How to profile multiple subprocesses using Python multiprocessing and memory_profiler?

As of today, a new feature has been added to the memory profiler library that does exactly this. If you need this functionality, first update memory_profiler as follows:

$ pip install -U memory_profiler 

This should install the v0.44 release of memory profiler. To check that this is the case, use the help command on the run action:

mprof run --helpUsage: mprof run [options]Options:  --version             show program's version number and exit  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  --python              Activates extra features when the profiling executable                        is a Python program (currently: function                        timestamping.)  --nopython            Disables extra features when the profiled executable                        is a Python program (currently: function                        timestamping.)  -T INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL                        Sampling period (in seconds), defaults to 0.1  -C, --include-children                        Monitors forked processes as well (sum up all process                        memory)  -M, --multiprocess    Monitors forked processes creating individual plots                        for each child

If you see the -M flag then you're good to go!

You can then run the your script as follows:

$ mprof run -M python$ mprof plot 

And you should get a figure that looks like this:

mprof tracking individual child proccesses

Note that if you use the --include-children flag as well, the main process memory will be the total memory usage of the all the children and main, which is also a helpful plot.