How to properly do requests to a https with a proxy server such as How to properly do requests to a https with a proxy server such as python python

How to properly do requests to a https with a proxy server such as

When changing proxies={"https":proxy} to proxies={"http":proxy} you also have to make sure your link is http and not https so also try replacing:

link = ''+str(i)+'&q='+str(search_keyword)+'&'


link = ''+str(i)+'&q='+str(search_keyword)+'&'

Your overall code should look like this:

headers = {'USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0'}if __name__ == "__main__":    search_keyword = input("Enter the search keyword: ")    page_number =  int(input("Enter total number of pages: "))    for i in range(1,page_number+1):        time.sleep(10)        link = ''+str(i)+'&q='+str(search_keyword)+'&'        proxy = proxy_dictionary["ip"] + ':' + str(proxy_dictionary["asn"]["asnum"])        print(proxy)        req = requests.get(link,headers=headers,proxies={"http":proxy})

Hope this helps!

A little late to the party but this is what worked for me.

proxies = {'http': 'http://lum-customer-hl_1247574f-zone-static:lnheclanmc@', 'https': 'http://lum-customer-hl_1247574f-zone-static:lnheclanmc@'}            req = requests.get(link,headers=headers,proxies=proxies)

After defining the proxies like this, I was able to hit the link and get a response. I believe luminati requires the credentials for rotating and hitting the links from their proxies