How to properly write cross-references to external documentation with intersphinx? How to properly write cross-references to external documentation with intersphinx? python python

How to properly write cross-references to external documentation with intersphinx?

In addition to the detailed answer from @gall, I've discovered that intersphinx can also be run as a module:

python -m sphinx.ext.intersphinx ''

This outputs nicely formatted info. For reference:

I gave another try on trying to understand the content of an objects.inv file and hopefully this time I inspected numpy and h5py instead of only OpenCV's one.

How to read an intersphinx inventory file

Despite the fact that I couldn't find anything useful about reading the content of an object.inv file, it is actually very simple with the intersphinx module.

from sphinx.ext import intersphinximport warningsdef fetch_inventory(uri):    """Read a Sphinx inventory file into a dictionary."""    class MockConfig(object):        intersphinx_timeout = None  # type: int        tls_verify = False    class MockApp(object):        srcdir = ''        config = MockConfig()        def warn(self, msg):            warnings.warn(msg)    return intersphinx.fetch_inventory(MockApp(), '', uri)uri = ''# Read inventory into a dictionaryinv = fetch_inventory(uri)# Or just print itintersphinx.debug(['', uri])

File structure (numpy)

After inspecting numpy's one, you can see that keys are domains:

[u'np-c:function', u'std:label', u'c:member', u'np:classmethod', u'np:data', u'py:class', u'np-c:member', u'c:var', u'np:class', u'np:function', u'py:module', u'np-c:macro', u'np:exception', u'py:method', u'np:method', u'np-c:var', u'py:exception', u'np:staticmethod', u'py:staticmethod', u'c:type', u'np-c:type', u'c:macro', u'c:function', u'np:module', u'py:data', u'np:attribute', u'std:term', u'py:function', u'py:classmethod', u'py:attribute']

You can see how you can write your cross-reference when you look at the content of a specific domain. For example, py:class:

{u'numpy.DataSource': (u'NumPy',  u'1.9',  u'',  u'-'), u'numpy.MachAr': (u'NumPy',  u'1.9',  u'',  u'-'), u'numpy.broadcast': (u'NumPy',  u'1.9',  u'',  u'-'),  ...}

So here, :class:`numpy.DataSource` will work as expected.


In the case of h5py, the domains are:

[u'py:attribute', u'std:label', u'py:method', u'py:function', u'py:class']

and if you look at the py:class domain:

{u'AttributeManager': (u'h5py',  u'2.5',  u'',  u'-'), u'Dataset': (u'h5py',  u'2.5',  u'',  u'-'), u'ExternalLink': (u'h5py',  u'2.5',  u'',  u'-'), ...}

That's why I couldn't make it work as numpy references. So a good way to format them would be :class:`h5py:Dataset`.


OpenCV's inventory object seems malformed. Where I would expect to find domains there is actually 902 function signatures:

[u':', u'AdjusterAdapter::create(const', u'AdjusterAdapter::good()', u'AdjusterAdapter::tooFew(int', u'AdjusterAdapter::tooMany(int', u'Algorithm::create(const', u'Algorithm::getList(vector<string>&', u'Algorithm::name()', u'Algorithm::read(const', u'Algorithm::set(const' ...]

and if we take the first one's value:

{u'Ptr<AdjusterAdapter>': (u'OpenCV',  u'2.4',  u'',  u'ocv:function 1 modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_feature_detectors.html#$ -')}

I'm pretty sure it is then impossible to write OpenCV cross-references with this file...


I thought intersphinx generated the objects.inv based on the content of the documentation project in an standard way, which seems not to be the case.As a result, it seems that the proper way to write cross-references is API dependent and one should inspect a specific inventory object to actually see what's available.

How to use OpenCV 2.4 (cv2) intersphinx

Inspired by @Gall's answer, I wanted to compare the contents of the OpenCV & numpy inventory files. I couldn't get sphinx.ext.intersphinx.fetch_inventory to work from ipython, but the following does work:

curl | tail -n +5 | zlib-flate -uncompress > cv2.invcurl | tail -n +5 | zlib-flate -uncompress > numpy.inv

numpy.inv has lines like this:

numpy.ndarray py:class 1 reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.html#$ -

whereas cv2.inv has lines like this:

cv2.imread ocv:pyfunction 1 modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#$ -

So presumably you'd link to the OpenCV docs with :ocv:pyfunction:`cv2.imread` instead of :py:function:`cv2.imread`. Sphinx doesn't like it though:

WARNING: Unknown interpreted text role "ocv:pyfunction".

A bit of Googling revealed that the OpenCV project has its own "ocv" sphinx domain: -- presumably because they need to document C, C++ and Python APIs all at the same time.

To use it, save next to your Sphinx, and modify your

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))import ocvextensions = [    'ocv',]intersphinx_mapping = {    'cv2': ('', None),}

In your rst files you need to say :ocv:pyfunc:`cv2.imread` (not :ocv:pyfunction:).

Sphinx prints some warnings (unparseable C++ definition: u'cv2.imread') but the generated html documentation actually looks ok with a link to You can edit and remove the line that prints that warning.