How to read from a zip file within zip file in Python? How to read from a zip file within zip file in Python? python python

How to read from a zip file within zip file in Python?

When you use the .open() call on a ZipFile instance you indeed get an open file handle. However, to read a zip file, the ZipFile class needs a little more. It needs to be able to seek on that file, and the object returned by .open() is not seekable in your case. Only Python 3 (3.2 and up) produces a ZipExFile object that supports seeking (provided the underlying file handle for the outer zip file is seekable, and nothing is trying to write to the ZipFile object).

The workaround is to read the whole zip entry into memory using .read(), store it in a BytesIO object (an in-memory file that is seekable) and feed that to ZipFile:

from io import BytesIO# ...        zfiledata = BytesIO(        with zipfile.ZipFile(zfiledata) as zfile2:

or, in the context of your example:

import zipfilefrom io import BytesIOwith zipfile.ZipFile("", "r") as zfile:    for name in zfile.namelist():        if'\.zip$', name) is not None:            # We have a zip within a zip            zfiledata = BytesIO(            with zipfile.ZipFile(zfiledata) as zfile2:                for name2 in zfile2.namelist():                    # Now we can extract           "Found internal internal file: " + name2)                    print "Processing code goes here"

To get this to work with python33 (under windows but that might be unrelevant) i had to do :

 import zipfile, re, io    with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zfile:        for name in zfile.namelist():            if'\.zip$', name) != None:                zfiledata = io.BytesIO(                with zipfile.ZipFile(zfiledata) as zfile2:                    for name2 in zfile2.namelist():                        print(name2)

cStringIO does not exist so i used io.BytesIO

Here's a function I came up with. (Copied from here.)

def extract_nested_zipfile(path, parent_zip=None):    """Returns a ZipFile specified by path, even if the path contains    intermediary ZipFiles.  For example, /root/    will return a ZipFile that represents    """    def extract_inner_zipfile(parent_zip, child_zip_path):        """Returns a ZipFile specified by child_zip_path that exists inside        parent_zip.        """        memory_zip = StringIO()        memory_zip.write(        return zipfile.ZipFile(memory_zip)    if ('.zip' + os.sep) in path:        (parent_zip_path, child_zip_path) = os.path.relpath(path).split(            '.zip' + os.sep, 1)        parent_zip_path += '.zip'        if not parent_zip:            # This is the top-level, so read from disk            parent_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(parent_zip_path)        else:            # We're already in a zip, so pull it out and recurse            parent_zip = extract_inner_zipfile(parent_zip, parent_zip_path)        return extract_nested_zipfile(child_zip_path, parent_zip)    else:        if parent_zip:            return extract_inner_zipfile(parent_zip, path)        else:            # If there is no nesting, it's easy!            return zipfile.ZipFile(path)

Here's how I tested it:

echo hello world > hi.txtzip hi.txtzip wrap1.zipzip wrap2.zipprint extract_nested_zipfile('/Users/mattfaus/dev/dev-git/').open('hi.txt').read()print extract_nested_zipfile('/Users/mattfaus/dev/dev-git/').open('hi.txt').read()print extract_nested_zipfile('/Users/mattfaus/dev/dev-git/').open('hi.txt').read()