How to send an array using (Python)? "Value Error: Too many values to unpack" How to send an array using (Python)? "Value Error: Too many values to unpack" python python

How to send an array using (Python)? "Value Error: Too many values to unpack"

You want to pass in JSON encoded data. See the API documentation:

Remember — All post bodies must be JSON encoded data (no form data).

The requests library makes this trivially easy:

headers = {"W-Token": "Ilovemyboss"}data = [    {        'url': '/rest/shifts',        'params': {'user_id': 0, 'other_stuff': 'value'},        'method': 'post',    },    {        'url': '/rest/shifts',        'params': {'user_id': 1,'other_stuff': 'value'},        'method':'post',    },], json=data, headers=headers)

By using the json keyword argument the data is encoded to JSON for you, and the Content-Type header is set to application/json.

Well, It turns out that all I needed to do was add these headers:

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'}

and then call requests,data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

and now i'm good!

Always remember when sending an array(list) or dictionary in the HTTP POST request, do use json argument in the post function and set its value to your array(list)/dictionary.

In your case it will be like:

r =, headers=headers, json=data)

Note: POST requests implicitly convert parameter's content type for body to application/json.

For a quick intro read API-Integration-In-Python