How to send requests with JSON in unit tests How to send requests with JSON in unit tests python python

How to send requests with JSON in unit tests

Changing the post to'/test_function',                        data=json.dumps(dict(foo='bar')),                       content_type='application/json')

fixed it.

Thanks to user3012759.

Since Flask 1.0 release flask.testing.FlaskClient methods accepts json argument and Response.get_json method added, see pull request

    with app.test_client() as c:        rv ='/api/auth', json={            'username': 'flask', 'password': 'secret'        })        json_data = rv.get_json()

For Flask 0.x compatibility you may use receipt below:

    from flask import Flask, Response as BaseResponse, json    from flask.testing import FlaskClient            class Response(BaseResponse):        def get_json(self):            return json.loads(            class TestClient(FlaskClient):        def open(self, *args, **kwargs):            if 'json' in kwargs:                kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(kwargs.pop('json'))                kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json'            return super(TestClient, self).open(*args, **kwargs)        app = Flask(__name__)    app.response_class = Response    app.test_client_class = TestClient    app.testing = True