How to set Python language specific tab spacing in Visual Studio Code? How to set Python language specific tab spacing in Visual Studio Code? python python

How to set Python language specific tab spacing in Visual Studio Code?

I had the same problem today.
This is how I fixed it. Add this lines in setting.json in VSCode:

"[python]": {  "editor.insertSpaces": true,  "editor.tabSize": 4  }

It works like a charm.

Python should be tab=4 spaces (replaced as spaces), and Ruby should be tab=2 spaces...

Install the editor config plugin.

ext install EditorConfig

Add an .editorconfig file to your project root with Python and Ruby specific settings:

[*.py]indent_style = spaceindent_size = 4[*.rb]indent_style = spaceindent_size = 2

These are other supported properties:


See also:

  1. Editor: Detect Indentation = false (default = true)
  2. Editor: Insert Spaces = true (default)
  3. Editor: Tab Size = 4 (default)