How to set React to production mode when using Gulp How to set React to production mode when using Gulp python python

How to set React to production mode when using Gulp

2017 - Edit: anyone trying to set up React in Gulp for a new project: Just use create-react-app

Step I: Add the following to your gulpfile.js somewhere

gulp.task('apply-prod-environment', function() {    process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';});

Step II: Add it to your default task (or whichever task you use to serve/build your app)

// before: // gulp.task('default',['browsersync','watch'], function() {});// after:   gulp.task('default',['apply-prod-environment', 'browsersync','watch'], function() {});

OPTIONAL: If you want to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you are in prod mode, you can create the following slightly enhanced task instead of the one in Step I:

gulp.task('apply-prod-environment', function() {    process.stdout.write("Setting NODE_ENV to 'production'" + "\n");    process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';    if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {        throw new Error("Failed to set NODE_ENV to production!!!!");    } else {        process.stdout.write("Successfully set NODE_ENV to production" + "\n");    }});

Which will throw the following error if NODE_ENV is ever not set to 'production'

[13:55:24] Starting 'apply-prod-environment'...[13:55:24] 'apply-prod-environment' errored after 77 μs[13:55:24] Error: Failed to set NODE_ENV to production!!!!

Similar to the other answers, but hopefully gives someone a starting point:

var vendorList = ['react', 'react-dom'];gulp.task('vendor-dev', function() {    browserify()        .require(vendorList)        .bundle()        .on('error', handleErrors)        .pipe(source('vendor.js'))        .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/dev/js'));});gulp.task('vendor-production', function() {    process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';    browserify()        .require(vendorList)        .bundle()        .on('error', handleErrors)        .pipe(source('vendor.js'))        .pipe(buffer())        .pipe(uglify({ mangle: false }))        .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/production/js'));});

The main difference is I am explicitly setting the NODE_ENV prior to bundling the vendor libraries. Gulp tasks aren't guaranteed to run in order.

Am I running in production mode?

If you remove the uglify line (and prior buffer) you will notice that both the dev and production builds are near identical in size - and match in line count.

The difference is the production version will be littered with:

"production" !== "production" ? [show dev error] : [no nothing]

Most reputable minify'ers (I believe) will strip out deadend code, such as the above, which will always result in false.

But really how do I tell?

Easiest method to be sure, would be goto the console of your running application and type:


The output should be:

"function (e){var t=function(e,t,n){this.__reactAutoBindMap&&c(this),"[....and more and more]

If you find the createClass in the react source, you will see:

createClass: function (spec) {    var Constructor = function (props, context, updater) {      // This constructor is overridden by mocks. The argument is used      // by mocks to assert on what gets mounted.      if ("production" !== 'production') {        "production" !== 'production' ? warning(this instanceof Constructor, 'Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or ' + 'JSX instead. See: react-legacyfactory') : undefined;      }      // Wire up auto-binding      if (this.__reactAutoBindMap) {        bindAutoBindMethods(this);      }

Notice how the console output skips straight through to this.__reactAutobind, because you are running in production mode, and using an minify'er, all the !== 'production' warngins and checks have been skipped over.

Unfortunately none of the above answers work, because setting process.env.NODE_ENV has no effect in Browserify. The resulting bundle still has process.env.NODE_ENV references in it and hence

  • Browserify will not require() the React production version modules,
  • the minifier will not be able to remove dead code, and
  • the application will still be running in debug mode.

This is unfortunately not the only place where this approach is offered as the correct answer :-(

The correct approach can be found in e.g.

You need to switch the envify transform to be a global one, e.g.

# note the "-g" instead of the usual "-t"$ browserify ... -g [ envify --NODE_ENV production ] ....

or in gulpfile.js

browserify(...)    ...    .transform('envify', {        global:   true, // also apply to node_modules        NODE_ENV: debug ? 'development' : 'production',    })    ...    .bundle()    ...    .pipe(gulpif(!debug, babelMinify())) // my example uses gulp-babel-minify    ...