How to write a pep8 configuration (pep8.rc) file? How to write a pep8 configuration (pep8.rc) file? python python

How to write a pep8 configuration (pep8.rc) file?

The preferred way is to use a setup.cfg in the top-level of the project (.cfg has the same syntax as a .ini file), which should contain a [pep8] section. For example:

[pep8]ignore = E226,E302,E41max-line-length = 160

Note: the error codes are defined in the pep8 docs.

Sadly, the answer from Andy Hayden does not work for pytest / pytest-pep8 / flake8.


For that, you have to use either

# content of setup.cfg[pytest]pep8maxlinelength = 99



Strangely, the following does not work




 [flake8] max-line-length=99

They renamed pep8 to pycodestyle to avoid confusion.

You can create a setup.cfg file with:

[pycodestyle]ignore = E226,E302,E41max-line-length = 119exclude =    tests/    docs/

For the error codes, you can read this documentation.