Importing caffe results in ImportError: "No module named google.protobuf.internal" (import enum_type_wrapper) Importing caffe results in ImportError: "No module named google.protobuf.internal" (import enum_type_wrapper) python python

Importing caffe results in ImportError: "No module named google.protobuf.internal" (import enum_type_wrapper)

This is probably because you have two python environments in your machine, the one provided by your linux distribution(pip) and the other by the anaconda environment (/home/username/anaconda2/bin/pip).

Try installing protobuf for both environments to be sure

pip install protobuf

/home/username/anaconda2/bin/pip install protobuf

If you are using Ubuntu, try installing protobuf using

sudo apt-get install protobuf

It solved the same problem that I faced.

If you are using Anaconda, do conda install protobuf