Importing the numpy c-extensions failed Importing the numpy c-extensions failed python python

Importing the numpy c-extensions failed

Try to uninstall numpy and setuptools first:

  1. pip uninstall -y numpy

  2. pip uninstall -y setuptools

  3. pip install setuptools

  4. pip install numpy

Borrowed from solution provided by mehdiHadji here-

Not sure this is a thing in Visual Studio too, but for Eclipse I had to change one of the environmental variables.

Setup: Windows, Python 3.7, Conda venv with numpy



For Eclipse, the environment variables can be accessed via Properties -> Run/Debug Settings -> Edit -> Environment.

Anaconda also documented the fix, albeit for a different problem:Conda Troubleshooting

This issue is caused by VScode default terminal (powershell) setting,To switch VScode default terminal from powershell to cmd, the conda env will be activated correctly, other powershell will try to invoke conda activate xxxxxx which will fail, then the subsequent import numpy will fail.

So two ways to fix it:

  1. Fix path search issue under powershell environment to get conda activate xxxxxx successfully executed;

  2. Change vs code default terminal to 'cmd':add "": "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" in settings.json