In plain English, what are Django generic views? In plain English, what are Django generic views? python python

In plain English, what are Django generic views?

Django generic views are just view functions (regular old python functions) that do things that are very common in web applications.

Depending on the type of app you are building, they can save you from writing a lot of very simple views.

For example, the direct_to_template generic view simply renders a template with the RequestContext (which means the template has access to information on the request, like the current user, etc).

As a simple example, you can go from writing things like this:

# urls.pyurl('^some-url/$', some_view)# views.pydef some_view(request):    return render_to_response('template_name.html', context_instance=RequestContext(request))

To just this:

# urls.pyurl('^some-url/$', direct_to_template, {'template': 'template_name.html'})# doesn't need any code for this view anymore

There are also more complicated generic views for common actions such as "showing a list of models", or "adding a model to the db".

Also, because generic views are just functions, you can call them within your own view functions to do "most of the work", when you need something that is a bit different from the generic cases.

Generic views allow you to write much shorter code.


from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, Http404from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404, redirectfrom myapp.models import Contextdef edit(request, item_id):    object = get_object_or_404(Context, pk=item_id)    if request.method == 'POST':        form = ContextForm(request.POST, instance=object)        if form.is_valid():              return redirect('myapp-context-index')    else:        form = ContextForm(instance=object)    return render_to_response("myapp/context/edit.html", {'object': object, 'form': form})


from django.core import urlresolversfrom django.views.generic.create_update import update_objectfrom myapp.models import Contextdef edit(request, item_id):        return update_object(request,        object_id=item_id,                      form_class=ContextForm,                    template_name="myapp/context/edit.html",        post_save_redirect=urlresolvers.reverse("myapp-context-index")    )

Like your normal views, they are just normal functions. It is possible to configure the view completely in the URLconf if you like, through I find this usage above a bit more clear.

As a BONUS, you also get:

  • Login authentication checks (pass login_required=True)
  • Success status message from django.contrib.messages.
  • Less code to check for errors.
  • A default ModelForm when you provide a model parameter instead of form_class.

The template_name has a default of "appname/model_form.html", but that's a bit too much for me.

Here is the form class they both share:

class ContextForm(forms.ModelForm):     """The form for a context"""    class Meta:        model = Context        exclude = ('collection',)    def save(self, commit=True):        """Overwritten save to force collection_id to a value"""        model = super(ContextForm, self).save(commit=False)        model.collection_id = 1        if commit:          return model

To answer your second question: no, generic views are not related to scaffolding in RoR. Scaffolding, as the name indicates, is akin to code generation. Generic views are something else.

My main usage of generic view is as a higher level replacement of the very basic render_to_response functions. This is how you could write a simple view with render_to_response:

def my_view(request):    return render_to_response('my_template.html')

But this is very basic! For example the template will not have access to the request context, unless you pass it on explicitly.

I thus prefer to use a generic view instead:

def my_view(request):    return direct_to_template(request, template='my_template.html')

Now the request context will be passed on! And that's just a start. Generic views come in handy when you want to display lists, or detail views, for instance. They will manage querying the database, and messaging the user, among other.

So generic views are high level functions to help you creating a response from a view.