Installing new versions of Python on Cygwin does not install Pip? Installing new versions of Python on Cygwin does not install Pip? python python

Installing new versions of Python on Cygwin does not install Pip?

cel self-answered this question in a comment above. For posterity, let's convert this helpfully working solution into a genuine answer.

Unfortunately, Cygwin currently fails to:

  • Provide pip, pip2, or pip3 packages.
  • Install the pip and pip2 commands when the python package is installed.
  • Install the pip3 command when the python3 package is installed.

It's time to roll up our grubby command-line sleeves and get it done ourselves.

What's the Catch?

Since no pip packages are currently available, the answer to the specific question of "Is pip installable as a Cygwin package?" is technically "Sorry, son."

That said, pip is trivially installable via a one-liner. This requires manually re-running said one-liner to update pip but has the distinct advantage of actually working. (Which is more than we usually get in Cygwin Land.)

pip3 Installation, Please

To install pip3, the Python 3-specific version of pip, under Cygwin:

$ python3 -m ensurepip

This assumes the python3 Cygwin package to have been installed, of course.

pip2 Installation, Please

To install both pip and pip2, the Python 2-specific versions of pip, under Cygwin:

$ python -m ensurepip

This assumes the python Cygwin package to have been installed, of course.

  1. Download a helper package:

  2. Run the script:

    • For Python 2.7 run: easy_install-2.7 pip
    • For Python 3.4 run: easy_install-3.4 pip