Installing nose using pip, but bash doesn't recognize command on mac Installing nose using pip, but bash doesn't recognize command on mac python python

Installing nose using pip, but bash doesn't recognize command on mac

I got this problem until I setup nose with sudo:

sudo pip install nose

i had the same problem but this solved it.

  1. Install: nose2
  2. Then use: nose2 instead of nosetests to test program

Good Luck...!

I'm using OS X 10.11.1.

Do the following in the terminal:

  1. Move into directory ~/Python/2.7/site-packages/

  2. type sudo easy_install pip

  3. type sudo easy_install virtualenv

  4. type sudo easy_install nose

  5. type sudo easy_install distribute

  6. Follow the steps as instructed in the Learn Python The Hard Way book.