Installing Pip-3.2 on Cygwin Installing Pip-3.2 on Cygwin python python

Installing Pip-3.2 on Cygwin

1)While installing cygwin, make sure you install the python/python-setuptools from the list. This will install "easy_install" package.

2) Type the following command:

easy_install-a.b pip   

You must replace a.b with your python version which can be 2.7 or 3.4 or whatever else.

If you have more than one python installation, then you need to install pip (and probably also setuptools) for each installation separately.
To do so, you can first download and run it with python3:


That should install setuptools, and also create an easy_install script for your python version, e.g. /usr/bin/easy_install-3.2, which you can use to install pip:

/usr/bin/easy_install-3.2 pip

This will install pip into your python3 site packages directory, and again create a script /usr/bin/pip-3.2, which you can use to install packages for this python version.

Alternatively you can follow the install instructions from here and here.

I think the alternative install instructions linked by mata are simplest:

To install pip, securely download

Then run the following (which may require administrator access):
