Installing python module within code Installing python module within code python python

Installing python module within code

You can also use something like:

import pipdef install(package):    if hasattr(pip, 'main'):        pip.main(['install', package])    else:        pip._internal.main(['install', package])# Exampleif __name__ == '__main__':    install('argh')

The officially recommended way to install packages from a script is by calling pip's command-line interface via a subprocess. Most other answers presented here are not supported by pip. Furthermore since pip v10, all code has been moved to pip._internal precisely in order to make it clear to users that programmatic use of pip is not allowed.

Use sys.executable to ensure that you will call the same pip associated with the current runtime.

import subprocessimport sysdef install(package):    subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])

If you want to use pip to install required package and import it after installation, you can use this code:

def install_and_import(package):    import importlib    try:        importlib.import_module(package)    except ImportError:        import pip        pip.main(['install', package])    finally:        globals()[package] = importlib.import_module(package)install_and_import('transliterate')

If you installed a package as a user you can encounter the problem that you cannot just import the package. See How to refresh sys.path? for additional information.