Inverse Cosine in Python Inverse Cosine in Python python python

Inverse Cosine in Python

We have the acos function, which returns the angle in radians.

>>> import math>>> math.acos(0)1.5707963267948966>>> _ * 2 - math.pi0.0

To augment the correct answers to use math.acos, it is also worth knowing that there are math functions suitable for complex numbers in cmath:

>>> import cmath>>> cmath.acos(1j)(1.5707963267948966-0.88137358701954294j)

Stick with math.acos if you're only interested in real numbers,

The result of math.acos() is in radians. So you need to convert that to degrees.

Here is how you can do:

import mathres = math.degrees (math.acos (value))