Is it possible to implement Python code-completion in TextMate? Is it possible to implement Python code-completion in TextMate? python python

Is it possible to implement Python code-completion in TextMate?

EDIT: I've actually took your code above and integrated into a command. It will properly show a completion list for you to choose.

You can grab it here: (hit download and do python install). It's rough but it works. - please report any errors on


Hi, I'm the developer of PySmell. I also use a Mac, so if you can send me an email (contact info is in the source code) with your progress so far, I can try to integrate it :)

Oh BTW it's called PySmell - no trailing 's' :)

This isn't exactly what you're looking for but it might be able to get you started:

Using TextMate with Django

They appear to be somewhat Django specific but some snippets may assist with your needs. You also may be able to build on top of that with PySmells.