Is Pyramid ready/recommended for prime time? [closed] Is Pyramid ready/recommended for prime time? [closed] python python

Is Pyramid ready/recommended for prime time? [closed]

BFG, which is the precursor has been used in "primetime" for a while now. There are in Pyramid some additions to BFG to make it more "Pylonic", and these may not be ready, but I would say that they will be soon.

So if you are worried, you can use BFG for now. The migration to Pyramid should be simple once you want to migrate: migration tutorial.

Update: Pyramid 1.0 has now been released. It is now definitely ready for prime-time.

I would recommend Pyramid unreservedly.

Do read Ben Bangert (Pylons creator)'s post Why not just continue developing the Pylons 1.0 code-base?, which summarizes why the Pylons 1.0 architecture hit a brick wall and needs a deep transformation in the bfg's direction.

For one thing, the decoupled design of Pyramid has made unit testing of JSON response possible.

I asked this question before: Should I use Pylons or Pyramid?

Pylons will continue and version 2 of it will be released. Pyramid is like Pylons distribution migrated with other components.