Is the Session object from Python's Requests library thread safe? Is the Session object from Python's Requests library thread safe? python python

Is the Session object from Python's Requests library thread safe?

After reviewing the source of requests.session, I'm going to say the session object might be thread-safe, depending on the implementation of CookieJar being used.

Session.prepare_request reads from self.cookies, and Session.send calls extract_cookies_to_jar(self.cookies, ...), and that calls jar.extract_cookies(...) (jar being self.cookies in this case).

The source for Python 2.7's cookielib acquires a lock (threading.RLock) while it updates the jar, so it appears to be thread-safe. On the other hand, the documentation for cookielib says nothing about thread-safety, so maybe this feature should not be depended on?


If your threads are mutating any attributes of the session object such as headers, proxies, stream, etc. or calling the mount method or using the session with the with statement, etc. then it is not thread-safe. implies that Session is not thread-safe, and that at least one maintainer recommends one Session per thread.

I just opened to clarify the documentation.

I also faced the same question and went to the source code to find a suitable solution for me.In my opinion Session class generally has various problems.

  1. It initializes the default HTTPAdapter in the constructor and leaks it if you mount another one to 'http' or 'https'.
  2. HTTPAdapter implementation maintains the connection pool, I think it is not something to create on each Session object instantiation.
  3. Session closes HTTPAdapter, thus you can't reuse the connection pool between different Session instances.
  4. Session class doesn't seem to be thread safe according to various discussions.
  5. HTTPAdapter internally uses the urlib3.PoolManager. And I didn't find any obvious problem related to the thread safety in the source code, so I would rather trust the documentation, which says that urlib3 is thread safe.

As the conclusion from the above list I didn't find anything better than overriding Session class

class HttpSession(Session):    def __init__(self, adapter: HTTPAdapter):        self.headers = default_headers()        self.auth = None        self.proxies = {}        self.hooks = default_hooks()        self.params = {} = False        self.verify = True        self.cert = None        self.max_redirects = DEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMIT        self.trust_env = True        self.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict({})        self.adapters = OrderedDict()        self.mount('https://', adapter)        self.mount('http://', adapter)    def close(self) -> None:        pass

And creating the connection factory like:

class HttpSessionFactory:    def __init__(self,             pool_max_size: int = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_SIZE,             retry: Retry = DEFAULT_RETRY_POLICY):        self.__http_adapter = HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=pool_max_size, max_retries=retry)    def session(self) -> Session:        return HttpSession(self.__http_adapter)    def close(self):        self.__http_adapter.close()

Finally, somewhere in the code I can write:

with self.__session_factory.session() as session:    response = session.get(request_url)

And all my session instances will reuse the same connection pool.And somewhere at the end when the application stops I can close the HttpSessionFactory.Hope this will help somebody.